Thursday, May 23, 2013

10 Months

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Annabel is on the move! She speed crawls, she rolls, she pulls herself up, and she walks all around things. She is just constantly moving. I think I miss the days where she would just stay sitting where I put her. This phase is fun too.

She is pretty strong. I have yet to see her stand on her own without holding on to something, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she could. She barley hangs on with one hand when standing. She is close to standing alone.

She says mama now! Yay!

She waves goodbye.

She is still just the happiest and the most content baby I know. She is so calm. I know that might seem contradictive to what I said above about how is she always moving. She just has such a calm and sweet spirit. She barely gets fussy when she is hungry and tired. Sometimes I get frustrated in those few minutes a day that she might be fussy. Then I remind myself how lucky I am and how I really have nothing to complain about because she really is such a good calm happy little girl.

I think I mention this every month, but those cheeks and that hair they just make me melt. She is just beautiful.

Like I said, she is on the move! It was almost an impossible feat to get a picture of her. Most of her photos were a total blur. At least she was having fun.

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Monday, May 20, 2013

9 Months

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Weight: 23 pounds! She is in the 95% percentile for height and weight.

Annabel finally crawls. She is a speedy one. Wow! I love to see her really crawl. Ethan never did, he just did the army crawl. I think it is extra cute watching her get around on her hands and knees.

Her top two front teeth are coming in.

She finally sleeps through the night. I think it really helps that she can finally roll over. Now she sleeps on her stomach. She seems to sleep much better in that position.

She can pull herself up. Naptime is getting tough, because she just wants to stand up. I usually have to go in and lay her down once or twice before she will fall asleep.

We had to make the switch to her big car seat, which she loves so much more. She always hated her infant car seat. She will now actually fall asleep in the car.

I finally captured a teeth smile.

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8 Months

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She has her two bottom teeth.

She finally rolls over!

She can get into the sitting position on her own.

She is as chubby as ever. Her leg rolls and her cheeks are the best! I just went shopping and bought her all 18-24 M/2 T clothes. Actually the swimsuit I bought her is a size 4T.

She is starting to get a little shy around strangers. If she doesn’t recognize someone she just stares at them with this terrified look on her face.

I love when she is tired, because that is when she is the most ticklish. I love her little laugh.

She is such a happy a little girl. She is so calm and so sweet.

I love when she gives you her cute little smile and then tilts her head to the side. Its like she is saying, “Yea, I know I am cute.”


She has a permanent bow in her hair, otherwise her hair take on a mind if its own!



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