Friday, September 14, 2012

The Hair

This girl came out with a full head of black hair. It has lightened a little and is now a dark brown. None of her hair has fallen out, and it just keeps growing. My favorite hair time is post bath. After a good towel dry it turns into an awesome poof ball. I love it!


And speaking of bath time… this girl loves a good bath!

I can’t get enough of that smile!

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Big Brother

Ethan really does love his little sister. Anytime she cries he runs to her saying “Ethan’s turn! Ethan’s turn!” meaning it is his turn to give her, her pacifier.

He also loves to give her hugs when she is crying and tell her “It’s okay, baby.”

If we ever give her a bottle, Ethan loves to help feed her. He has slowly learned that she doesn’t eat solid food yet. It used to be that when she was crying and I would say “It sounds like the baby is hungry,” he would then go get her cheez-its or fruit snacks. It was quite sweet.

Here is Ethan showing Annabel how to play.

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She is getting some cheeks! Love it!

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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Cousins 23 1/2 Hours Apart

My sister and I were due just two weeks apart. I came a week late and Whitney came a week early. These two cousins were born exactly 23 1/2 hours apart. These two could not look more different. Ellie has red hair, fair skin, and blue eyes. Annabel has dark almost black hair, olive skin, and dark brown eyes. You would never know these two girls were related. I can’t wait for these two to grow up together.

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Swing Baby

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The Waking Babe

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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sun Hat and Ruffles

She deserves to be smothered in kisses for looking so adorable in a swim suit :)

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Brotherly Love

We love big brother


We love it when we find big brother showing his sister some love.. even if it is in the form of a noogie :)



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Sunday, September 2, 2012

2 Months

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Weight: 9 lbs 3 oz: 7%

Height: 23 1/2 inches: 85%

Head: 14 1/2 inches: 14%

Annabel has calmed down. She is not at all the needy baby she was during her first month. She still loves to be held, but she is still content if she isn’t. She is just happy all the time. And boy, does this girl love to smile. She also loves to coo and talk all day. This girl is an incredible sleeper. Most nights she sleeps from 10-5, eats, and then sleeps until Ethan wakes her around 8. Love this girl! She is also starting to get some cheeks. They are so fun to smooch. Life is good with our baby girl.

Nicknames: Princess, Baby Princess, Smiles, Sister, and Ethan’s personal favorite- Baby Sister


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