Friday, September 14, 2012

Big Brother

Ethan really does love his little sister. Anytime she cries he runs to her saying “Ethan’s turn! Ethan’s turn!” meaning it is his turn to give her, her pacifier.

He also loves to give her hugs when she is crying and tell her “It’s okay, baby.”

If we ever give her a bottle, Ethan loves to help feed her. He has slowly learned that she doesn’t eat solid food yet. It used to be that when she was crying and I would say “It sounds like the baby is hungry,” he would then go get her cheez-its or fruit snacks. It was quite sweet.

Here is Ethan showing Annabel how to play.

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She is getting some cheeks! Love it!

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Lydia Story said...

She is so so cute! Crazy how much they look alike! : )

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